Cabo San Lucas - Home of the Marlin
No doubt, one of the major international draws of Baja California, and Cabo San Lucas specifically, is the unparalleled fishing found just offshore. Ernest Hemingway did much to bring attention to the sport of Marlin fishing back in the early 1930’s. To the left is Ernest Hemingway pictured with his family and four, large Marlin in 1935.
Read more about Marlin:
Cabo San Lucas is the host to the richest fishing tournament in the world, the Bisbees. Each year top anglers and “big fish” from all over the world make their way to Cabo San Lucas to fish in this late October tournament, the Bisbee's.
However, most people that come to Cabo to fish are just ordinary folks that enjoy fishing and are looking for the chance to catch something that you just can’t catch or see in the rivers, lakes and oceans at home. Most are looking for a day or two on the water and just want to make sure they get what they pay for when it comes time to getting on the boat and fishing
If you are looking to book a trip for your group, the best thing to do is make the reservations in advance. We recommend two companies: one is Mucho Loco and the other is named Pochos. Between them they manage fleets of (8) fishing boats ranging in size and price. Rafael is the owner of Mucho Loco and Carlos is the owner of Pochos. Both run their own schedules and pricing. I can make contact for you and help you facilitate your fishing. If you have a small group (just one or two fisherman) you can fish with my friend Ismael on his “Kelly Fish” boat. He’s a very good fisherman and has great rods and reels.
Here's a picture of Ismael and a client that fished with him just two days after I did. The day I went out over 120 boats went out and caught just three marlin for the whole fleet. Two days later and some girls from Sacramento caught three on their boat alone, and Ismael’s client caught this nice one too.
Check out the Cabo Fishing Chart for the best times to fish.

My friend Fabricio (head chef and founder of The Italian Job restaurant) lends a whole new definition to “swimming with the fishes.” He is indeed an Italian from Italy, and has been spear fishing since he was a little kid. He is now over 60 years old and can still get it done. I wish I could show you some of the videos he has shared with me. He’s going down, down, down into the dark sea and then a fish appears. He takes the shot and hits the fish, then looks to make his ascent up—sometimes it is from 100 feet deep or more. That’s free diving, no tanks. That’s crazy. BUT, he can do it. The closest I can get to that is going to dinner at The Italian Job and ordering whatever the catch of the day is—because I know he actually caught it. I had the grouper on my last trip—that big one right there in the picture. In all seriousness, you have to eat there and you have to eat there early in your trip so you have time to go back and eat there again.

Not all fishing means holding your breath like Fabricio though! There's plenty of great fishing straight off the boat as these pictures of my good friend Todd attest to.